Join Us
Mt. Tam Racquet & Athletic Club is independently owned and operated. Families and friends have grown up enjoying the indoor and outdoor courts, clean pools, gym, cardio equipment, basketball court, exercise rooms, hot tub, steam rooms, and special events often hosted and provided in the Cafe/Lounge area. The club has a great vibe. Come visit and see for yourself.
Tennis / Swim / Fitness
Full access to all facilities:
Initiation Dues
Single: $1,200 $250
Family: $2,000 $425
Initiation Fee becomes a Spending Credit available for application to the Cafe, Training, Tennis or Swim Lessons or to Summer Camp
Swim / Fitness
All facilities, except Tennis Courts:
Initiation Dues
Single: $ 700 $215
Family: $1,250 $325
Initiation Fee becomes a Spending Credit.
Free Trial
Please visit us for a tour and more information.
All new members receive a complimentary fitness training and orientation session on the use of the exercise equipment. Additionally, new tennis members receive a complimentary evaluation by our tennis director and a review of our court procedures.
All classes posted on our monthly calendar are free to members. There are no additional charges to tennis members for court usage.
Special events often include bridge night, family nights, monthly “Drill and Grill” tennis and BBQ nights, CPR training, self-defense courses, body fat testing, swing dances, annual holiday parties, tennis tournaments and other competitive events.